Martorano Law

10 de out de 20191 min

Luciana Martorano is one of the authors of a book on Fashion Law

The book addresses a number of legal issues related to the fashion industry.

The book “Fashion Law: O direito está na moda”, to which Luciana Martorano has contributed with the article “Proteção às marcas de luxo e restrições verticais em contratos empresariais: limites da legalidade” (Protection to luxury brands in vertical agreements: limits of legality), will be launched next Sunday (October 13).

The book was published by Editora Singular. The renowned writers will address a range of legal issues related to the fashion industry, such as competition, innovation, international trade, intellectual property, contracts, luxury markets, counterfeit, gender identity, social dumping, fast fashion, dilution of a brand and trade dress.

The presentation was written by Professor Susan Scafidi (Fordham University - Fashion Law Institute, NY), creator of the term “fashion law”.

The book can be purchased during release at Grand Cru in Shopping Pátio Higienópolis (Rua Dr. Veiga Filho Street, 133 - Piso Pacaembu - Higienópolis, São Paulo/SP), on October 13, 2019, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
